Other selected publications
Selected Publications
McLaren, DP, 2010. 42% Better: the feasibility and added value of meeting Scotland's climate change target for 2020. Friends of the Earth Scotland, Edinburgh
McLaren, DP, 2004. ‘Global Stakeholders: Corporate Accountability and Investor Engagement’. Corporate Governance: An International Review 12(2) pp191-201
McLaren, DP, 2002. ‘Environmental space, equity and the ecological debt’. In Evans, R and J Agyeman (eds) Just Sustainabilities. Earthscan, London, and MIT Press, Cambridge MA.
Boardman, B. S Bullock. and DP McLaren, 1999. Equity and the Environment: Guidelines for green and socially just government. Catalyst, London.
McLaren, DP, S Bullock & N Yousuf, 1998. Tomorrow’s World: Britain’s Share in a Sustainable Future. Earthscan.
McLaren, DP and T Bosworth, 1994. Planning for the Planet. Sustainable development policies for local and strategic plans. Friends of the Earth, London.
Jenkins, T and DP McLaren, 1994. Working Future: jobs and the environment. Friends of the Earth, London.
McLaren, DP, 1993, 'Compact or Dispersed? Dilution is no Solution', Built Environment 18(4). pp.268-284.
Maltby, E, CP Immirzi and DP McLaren, 1992. Do Not Disturb! Peatbogs and the Greenhouse Effect. Friends of the Earth, London.
Elkin, T and DP McLaren with M Hillman, 1991. Reviving the City: towards sustainable urban development, Friends of the Earth and Policy Studies Institute, London.
McLaren, DP, 1989, The Environmental Charter for Local Government: Practical Recommendations. Friends of the Earth, London.